Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall Party

September 18, 2007

Nolan and I had a great weekend. It started with the high school fall party. The theme was TV and movies, so students got creative and came dressed as many different characters. We had students dressed as characters from Shrek, High School Musical, 300, Sesame Street Gang, and even Rambo. Were they even born when Rambo came out in the theaters? Students also performed skits from the movies and TV shows, and they were hilarious! Quite a funny and entertaining evening. Next week the middle school kids have their opportunity to do the same.

Saturday, Nolan and I ventured out and went to France, which is only 30 minutes away from Kandern. I loved it! We went to a quaint town called Colmar. We just walked around and admired the architecture. And the weather was sunny and warm!

Sunday was spent at church and just relaxing. Nolan washed our car, which probably had not been washed in a couple of years....not exaggerating. There are tons of hiking trails all around this area, and I decided to go for a hike on my own, but almost got lost. After an hour and 1/2 into it, I began to panic a little. Thank goodness there were others hiking on the way, and I would ask which way was back to town. Thank goodness some of these people understood English! I think I will go with Nolan next time!

Thanks for all the cards, postings, and emails! We miss you all!

Patti and Nolan

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