Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dorm Life

September 4, 2007

Last night we helped out at one of the girl's dorms, and we will continue to help out twice a month. It was neat to hang out with students apart from the classroom. We had dinner with them and then we visited the rooms to say hi during their "free time". While they were in study hours, Nolan and I baked an apple streusel for their next breakfast. We loved getting to know the dorm parents and other volunteers as well. Good times. I can't wait to get to know the girls more through the year. I feel this is where the relationships really begin and grow.


NoGoodSlave said...

Hey guys!

So ice and mexican food is a no show in Germany huh? Bummer, but it sounds like things are really going well. That's awesome! 19 private lessons:)! You are going to be busy! Hope you guys continue to have a great time over there! Talk to you later.


Sterling & Fam!

Composerdave said...

Hey guys. Glad things are off to a ggreat start. I can't believe that it's already been three weeks. Time is flying by. We miss you in Sunday School. Just last week, we kept mentioning things that "Nolan would say". And if I said "good stuff" I thought of Patti making fun of me. We're praying for you and are so excited about what you are doing. Nolan, if there's any way I can help you in all of your music lesson stuff, don't hesitate to ask. Can't wait to read more posts and see more pictures. We miss you! David (and Libba and Drew)

Nolan and Patti said...

Thank you for leaving comments! We love hearing from everyone back home. We miss our Sunday School class. Be looking for something in the mail from us.