Friday, October 26, 2007


October 26, 2007
The other ministry Nolan and I are involved in is Mosaic, a church plant in Lorrach, Germany and Basel, Switzerland. Nolan is leading worship and I help out wherever needed. It is a group of different missionaries from different organizations. We have loved being a part of this church plant. The main goal is the reach English speaking creative people in urban settings. There is a Mosaic in California, New York, and Zurich, Switzerland.

This past week a team of 6 from a church in Dallas, Texas came to help us out. They went into schools doind a Texas theme program. They also went to some art functions and tea gatherings to minister to the locals. It was refreshing to be around Americans....especially from the South, where I am felt like home hearing their accents. One of the funnest things was a "Texas Night" we had for the community. It was fun watching Germans country line dancing! I think they had a blast!

Pray that Mosaic will reach more and more local Germans. Here is a website for the Mosaic church that meets in California.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Go USA Soccer!!!

USA soccer team clapping for us (BFA family)
Freddy of the best players for the team

Last night just about the entire school attended the USA soccer
and Switzerland game in Basel. We took up a whole section of the stands. And we held up to the
American reputation of being loud and crazy! Some of the students were dressed from head to toe in red, white, and blue. Some of the students even brought their drums. We cheered for the USA until our voices were gone. In the last 5 minutes, the score was 0-0, but USA scored one goal....helping us to win the game! Here are some pics of the game. The USA team came to our side and clapped for recognition of our cheering and support for them.

Nolan is Sick

October 18, 2007

Nolan woke up this morning with some kind of stomach bug. This is the 3rd time in the past 6 months Nolan has come down with some kind of stomach bug (or something food related). I am beginning to wonder whether Nolan has a sensitive stomach and should be careful of things he eats....or is it just a bug he keeps catching from others. Who knows? But pray that he feels better. Tomorrow the elementary kids are singing for high school chapel, and Nolan is the one directing the kids. The weekend ahead also has music events where Nolan is helping out.

Much love to everyone!

Nolan and Patti

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Higher Ground, German Youth Worship Service

Youth setting up for Higher Ground Youth Service
Nolan with the band playing for Higher Ground Youth Service
Above pictures are from the youth service Nolan helped out with last a local German speaking church. It was fun to see a German youth group interacting with each other. The German church has these youth worship services once a month. The pastor teaches a Bible lesson to the students, but the students put the whole program together. They had drama, dance, and music. Nolan is helping out with the worship band, which consists of Germans and Americans. Of course the service was in German, so we were completely lost at times. Some of our friends translated when they could. It was a meaningful German culture experience.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Honeymoon is over

October 15, 2007

They say after the first two months, you will begin feeling the weight of being away from home and in a different culture. We have been feeling this way for the past couple of weeks. I think students are feeling this too. We will get through this time....I know. I also know that my God is good and He gives me strength.

Knowing that Nolan and I were tired and a little homesick, God took care of us. This past weekend was wonderful...and relaxing. We had dinner with our German neighbors, and it was good fellowship...a neat German cultural experience. Then Sunday we attended a German church and really connected with some of the church members. Sunday evening Nolan helped lead worship for a youth service at a German church in town. It is completely in German, so we had a little trouble understanding, but it was neat to see the youth worshiping together. Of course, Nolan only played the guitar, being that most songs were in German :) Good times this weekend....God is good and faithful.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sadness = Prayer

October 11, 2007

The past 2 days have been tough. A friend back home lost her mother. Her mother was shot by a 14 year old who wanted cigarettes. That is hard to swallow. Also, our brother-in-law is sick and doctors are not sure what it is and how to cure it. I want to go home and be near all my loved ones. I want to get on a plane and go home for a few days, but I know I can't. I know this how my students feel. Sometimes they want to go home to be their families, but know they have to stay here at school. These are some hard lessons to deal with while being here. I know prayer is the only answer.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Middle School Chapel and Lock-In

Middle School lock-in

Friday Chapel service

Friday was all about the middle school students because the juniors and seniors were on their trips. Since Nolan is the middle school chapel band leader and teaches M.S. choir, they asked him to help the students lead worship during Friday's chapel service. It was so neat to watch these 6-8th grade students lead worship. You could tell that the students and Nolan were having fun. I hope they have more opportunities to do more leading.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

More Pictures of BFA and Surrounding Area

Nolan and I at Interlaken, Switzerland
Ivan and Deloris, dorm parents at Blauen, where we help out Monday nights

Nolan playing games with the kids in the gym

Nolan and I at opening cermony

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Normandy and Rome bound

October 4, 2007

Seniors leave tonight for Rome Italy. Every year, seniors take this trip and it is their big one for the year. The school will seem quiet without the seniors around. The juniors leave tomorrow for a trip to Normandy, so tomorrow will be super quiet. Nolan and I will have some down time tomorrow....hopefully we will get a lot of things done.

Things are going well. Continue to pray for us as we settle here. Sometimes it is still hard to figure out the finances and way things are done here....but we are slowly getting it :)

Thank you all again for the love and support!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

German Lessons

October 2, 2007

The German language is difficult to learn. I began taking lessons from the German teacher here at BFA. I am in 3rd period with some of my own 11th grade English students. The back corner is full of adults who are in the same boat as the students. The teacher holds the adults in the class accountable for quizzes and tests.

The problem for me is I began the class 3 weeks late, so I am behind. I sat for 2 hours last night trying to do my German homework...I had a headache and was frustrated by the end. I refuse to give up and will plow through. I am determined to learn something :=)