Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner at Blauen

November 15, 2007

To make students and staff feel more at home, each dorm has a Thanksgiving dinner, family style. Since we help out at Blauen (a girl's dorm), we were invited to partake in the wonderful dinner. Nolan and I prepared deviled eggs, which was a favorite among the students....I was completely surprised. We made 60 deviled eggs, and there were not any left by the end of the meal. We ate around a big table and then shared one thing we were thankful for this year. We ate all the traditional Thanksgiving food; turkey, stuffing [northern, not southern, style :( ,pumpkin and apple pie, cornbread dressing, and big plump rolls. Of course, we stuffed ourselves! Nolan and I had so much fun visiting with the girls and hearing their stories. Some of the girls have never spent Thanksgiving in the States, but always in their missionary country. However, their families always make a Thanksgiving dinner. It was a lovely night eating and fellowshipping.

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