Thursday, November 22, 2007

More Thanksgiving Dinner

November 22, 2007


So I woke up with a little sadness because I am not in the USA celebrating Turkey Day with family and friends. But God is always faithful in providing comfort when I feel homesick. Tonight the International Mission Board (IMB) is having a Thanksgiving dinner for all IMB missionaries in town and IMB dorm students. Even though, technically we are not IMB yet, we were still invited to this dinner. IMB really wants to make this day feel like home for all of us missionaries away from home, away from family and friends. I am excited to hang out with the students and missionaries, especially those IMB missionaries I do not get to see very often because they are not involved with BFA. I will share pictures in the next couple of days.....and about the food we eat (yum!)


Louis Lucas said...
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Louis Lucas said...

Hey y'all--Happy Thanksgiving! Wendy and Adonna are here and Mom has the turkey in the oven - Adonna got in about midnight last night. The day is beautiful and we will probably include a walk on the beach. The pictures are great! Wish you could be joining us for the "Big Dinner" , but we will be thinking of you. Have a great day!
All of us