Friday, May 16, 2008

Junior Senior Banquet

(left to rght) Blauen girls with Lexi, one of the Resident Assistants. Hannah Kim, a cutie and my teacher asisstant

(below, lft to rght) Blauen girls again being silly :) Jack and Ellyn..BFA's cutest couple

Ariel and Andersen, both girls in my 1st period class. Ernie and Josh, both in my 7th period.

(lft to rght) Meagan and Brandon Post. Deloris and Nakul, both in my 7th period class.

The HBR dorm boys. All in my class. Koreans representing: Ernie and Sooji (middle) in my class.

Natasha and Bethany, both in my 1st period class.

Sign team. They are awesome and use my classroom after school to practice on Fridays. I get to hang out with them!

Nolan and I with Deloris and Ivan...dorm parents at Blauen, where we help out Mon. nights

Cameron Prenger and I....she is one of my juniors in 7th period American Lit.

Stephanie Miller and I....she is another student in 7th period

And another sweetie in my 7th period....Ellen Purpero

(lft to rght) Meagan, Stephanie, Me, Emily, Ellyn, and Hannah. Beautiful, young girls!

Banquet hall where the students and some staff ate dinner and watched the program. Nolan and I sat in the balcony

Last Sunday was the Junior Senior Banquet or JSB they call it here at BFA. The students get all dressed up with their dates and have a nice dinner. The school rents out this banquet hall where the food is catered. The juniors decorate the banquet room for the seniors. Their is a program where the juniors in each dorm pay a tribute to the seniors who are leaving. Some of the performances were really heart felt and nice to watch...others were interesting to say the least....

Teeanagers will be teenagers :) The whole evening was a success and Nolan and I enjoyed ourselves.

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