Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blauen Dorm

Deloris pooped out on the sofa

Starting left....Vangie from Alaska, Lexi from Pennsylvania, and Deloris and Ivan from ???? Can't remember :)

Here is the whole map showing where all the girls, RAs and dorm parents are from..pretty cool, huh!

Not sure who is on the left, but Brad Pitt and Dr. Phil have their presence at Blauen. This was actually part of their theme night for open house

I guess the girls were offering their grass-cutting services to the German community?

We go every other Monday night to a girl's dorm to help out. We love it! I love hanging out with the girls and Deloris, the dorm mom. The 2 RAs and Ivan, dorm dad, have the night off. We usually get there around dinner time, and eat with the girls. We eat at a long table, and it totally family style. Crazy, but it is the only day of the week where Nolan and I actually eat a table. I know what you are thinking, we should take more time together and eat the dining table :)

After dinner, Nolan usually plays the piano with some of the girls who are quite talented! I usually help Deloris out in the kitchen, baking something for breakfast or snack. One particular night I had to bake for weekend event, and I calculated 3 dozen muffins and 2 cakes. I have never baked that much before! I was dreaming muffins in my head when I went to sleep. Anyway, so I baked a blueberry coffee cake last night, and it was yummy. Deloris always lets us take a little home with us!

It is such a treasure to hang out with the Blauen girls and Deloris. What a blessing to know such people! Here are some pics of the dorm. Next time I will get pics of the girls rooms, but I didn't want to disturb them during study hours.

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