Most of you know my fear coming into this new position of teaching American Literature. I had been teaching high school ESL, but not specifically American Lit. This past week I have been reflecting on this past school year, now that we are approaching the end. I see that American Literature was the right place for me. It had been awhile since diving into American writers and seeing what beautiful stories they bring to the Lit world.
Interestingly, a lot of the stories in the textbook are from the deep south. I had forgotten about the wonderful authors of my own region. By reading these stories, such as
Huck Finn or "A Worn Path", it makes me proud of where I was born and raised. I never really thought much about my roots when living in Tennessee. I knew I was proud of my roots, but never really reflected on them. These stories have brought a new level of appreciation of where I come from. I also can bring my knowledge of the south to the class...and of the United States in general.
To look at the spiritual implications, I see that God knew I needed to be in
this class teaching for various reasons, and not just easy ones (those who know of my struggles with certain behaviors in the classroom). The opportunity has brought more meaning in my life in many and diverse ways. I am thankful for the opportunity to teach American Literature. It has been a crazy journey this year, but in retrospect, I am thankful and honored.
More closing thoughts are to come as both Nolan and I finish out the school year. Even with this new found appreciation, both Nolan and I sense this is not where we are to be long-term. So continue to pray for us as we make decisions.